Positions Vacant - MRT Board

Murray River Region Tourism Ltd trading as Murray Regional Tourism is a unique and highly successful Regional Tourism Organisation in Australia that includes areas within the two states, Victoria and New South Wales, and is responsible for providing overarching tourism strategy for the Murray region.
Murray Regional Tourism is a partnership between 13 Local Councils, Visit Victoria, Destination New South Wales and the tourism industry. The skills based Board of Directors, with an Independent Chair, has the overall responsibility for the successful coordination and development of tourism across the Murray region.
An opportunity exists at this critical time for a Independent Chair and Independant skills based Director.
Ideally the applicants will be a graduates of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
The Board has a minimum of 6 meetings per annum with a minimum of four of these face-to-face meetings held in region and the remainder via teleconference. In addition Board members are also involved in Committees of the Board.
Independent Chair
The Independent Chair will have knowledge and expertise to help rebuild a sustainable and vibrant visitor economy as we continue to respond to the challenges faced with Covid-19. This position is appointed based on overall skills and is not appointed according to geographic location or industry sector. An ability to apply strategic thought and create value for stakeholders will be highly regarded. A demonstrated willingness to take a whole of region view is essential.
Download the Position Description
Independent skills based Director
The Independent skills based Director will have the knowledge and expertise to help rebuild a sustainable and vibrant visitor economy. This position is held on a voluntary basis and there is no remuneration, however meeting expenses will be reimbursed.
Download the Position Description
Applications should be in writing, addressing the key selection criteria and providing contact details for three referees. Applications should be emailed to: [email protected]
Formal applications close 5pm, Monday 22 August, 2022.
Contact: Greg Roberts, Deputy Chair P: 0438 331 426.