Crisis Preparedness
Like all of Australia, the Murray region is susceptible to tourism crisis events both natural and man-made.
It's important your business or businesses in your region have thought about what to do to support the business and how to interact with guests before a tourism crisis event presents itself.
Definition of a crisis
A crisis is a serious event that can be either perceived or real. A crisis disrupts normal activities and impacts negatively on the operations of a tourism business and/or region in the immediate to short term. Some emergency incidents may develop into a crisis.
A crisis can take a myriad of forms (man-made and natural) so begin to plan by imagining the worst‑case scenario.
Information for Tourism Businesses
The Crisis Essentials: Crisis Management Guide for Tourism Businesses aims to provide essential information to tourism businesses about how to prepare for, respond to, and recover from a crisis event, including natural disasters such as bushfire or flood, or man-made events such as a pandemic or chemical leakage.
More information:
- Bushfire Support
- Blue Green Algae
- Customer Cancellation Information
- Emergency Information Channels
- Fire Ready
- National Visitor Safety Program
Information for Destination Managers
The Tourism Crisis Management Planning Guide for Destination Managers aims to ensure a structured approach is taken to crisis management so destinations can quickly and effectively respond to crisis events and ensure their impacts on the tourism industry are minimised.
Links to additional information
Disaster Resilience
• Get Back to Business – A guide to Recovering from Disaster
• Tourism Resilience – Recovery after bushfires and natural disasters
• NSW First Program